Date :
2020 – …
State of progress :
In progress
Objectives :
Development of a mobile app to prevent
the loss of autonomy in seniors
Partners :
OMS, ARS, CHU Toulouse, Gérontopole Toulouse,
MEDES (technical partner)
MEDES was asked by the Gérontopôle of the Toulouse University Hospital, a WHO Collaborating Centre for Frailty, along with the Occitanie Regional Health Agency, to develop the ICOPE MONITOR mobile application.
The ICOPE programme aims to preserve the capacities of the elderly by identifying early signs of frailty and offering solutions to address them. The intention is that by taking charge of their health, all seniors can preserve their independence for longer and delay becoming dependent.
The ICOPE scheme
The aim of the ICOPE programme is to enable as many people as possible to age in good health. As a WHO Collaborating Centre for Frailty, Clinical & Geroscience Research, and Geriatric Training, the Gerontopôle of the Toulouse University Hospital has thus implemented the ICOPE programme in the Occitanie Region with the aim of assessing 200,000 seniors within 5 years and promoting healthy ageing by using digital tools.

The programme aims to prevent loss of autonomy by means of a dedicated application that can monitor and evaluate essential functions of the elderly in a few minutes, in order to better prevent their decline.
Six functions that are essential to maintaining independence and healthy ageing are monitored : mobility, nutrition, vision, hearing, mood and cognition.
This public health programme (aimed at people aged 60 and over) consists in promoting an integrated approach to health that takes into account the person’s capacities, corresponding diseases, environment and lifestyle in order to design a care plan specifically for the person in question, that takes into account their wishes and aspirations. The underlying principle is that patients should play a role in their care and follow-up.

MEDES, technical partner
As the leading technical instigator for the project, MEDES has developed the following items:
- The database, which centralises all the data managed by the project.
- Web services allowing the mobile application and the chatbot to query the database (patients of a given professional) and to push the collected data (recorded by a health professional or a patient, assessments of patients) into the database.
The mobile application and chatbot can be used by professionals or patients themselves. - An email notification system to send information about the programme, user accounts, assessment results and reminders to patients about follow-up measures they should take.
- A web application, accessible only by health professionals, used for:
- collecting patient-assessment data
- monitoring patients
- administering the system and its users (administrators only)
- displaying activity indicators and statistics
- exporting data for more in-depth statistics (administrators only)
- exporting the list of treatments that can be submitted for billing (administrators only).
Some figures
(November 2022)
Number of patients monitored
Number of professional users
Number of assessments
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